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Free Shipping Available-Transfer Point Beta-1,3D Glucan-USA Only
The Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic is a tonic composed of health-giving substances found and extracted from plants. The Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic has the property to keep the walls of the blood vessels clean and contains rich sources of six minerals, 18 bidirectional tonic herbs, as well as various organic acids to supplement the blood chemistry.
In 1943, after having discovered the magic of tonic herbs, Carl Jurak began to market his preparation (Matonol), today known as Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic (JC Tonic). Carl correctly conceived the idea that there were a select number of super herbs that existed, which would be beneficial to mankind since they have the ability to balance the systems in the body. Today Anthony Carl Jurak, the son of Carl, continues the legacy to give people worldwide hope that they can achieve extraordinary health benefits.
"The true test of whether a product is effective or not is how it affects users. I’ve met people suffering from all types of health challenges who have overcome these using JC Tonic. To me, this is proof of its effectiveness. I believe many people could benefit from using it." - Dr. Bruce Fife
Dr. Bruce Fife is a certified nutritionist and Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. Dr. Fife has written 18 books, including The Healing Crisis.
Canned and packaged foods are stripped of vitamins and often contain chemical additives and contaminants. These additives are foreign and are just like eating germs or toxic chemicals that the body's immune system has to work to remove.
Tap water is polluted by hundreds of chemicals added during processing. Chlorine and fluoride are two common toxic chemicals that are added.
A water filter can clean up most of the contaminates in water.
Exercise helps strengthen the immune system and helps to pump blood throughout the body, improving circulation, which helps to deliver white blood cells (the workforce of our immune system) to every crook and cranny in the body, so that they can find and remove germs, toxins, and degenerative cells.
Exercise keeps your muscles and your immune system in shape.
Rays from the sun activate chemical processes in the body that support the immune system and create vitamin D - a nutrient necessary for optimal health.
You should get at least 30 minutes of direct sunlight a day.
Oxygen is needed by every cell in the body in order to live. If a cell is deprived of oxygen for just a few seconds, it dies.
Just as you would die if you couldn't get oxygen, cells and tissues starving for oxygen degenerate and die.
Get as much fresh air as you can.
Avoid tobacco smoke and other pollutants.
Many herbs, such as those in JC Tonic® - The Youth Solution® help to stimulate and strengthen the immune system.
JC Tonic® contains vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals (plant compounds similar to vitamins) that help support the immune system and aid in detoxification.
Excessive stress depresses the immune system.
Ways to diffuse stress is to engage in exercise or recreational activities, listen to soothing music, read the Bible and/or become involved in a hobby.
Your mind and your attitude have a great deal of influence over your health.
Our mental attitude affects the immune system. If you think you can recover from illness, your immune system works better.
Negative feelings depress the immune system.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
Dr. Bruce Fife is an author, speaker, certified nutritionist, and naturopathic physician.
He has written over 20 books and is considered one of the world's leading experts on the health aspects of dietary fats and oils.
Dr. Fife has appeared on hundreds of radio and tv programs worldwide.
Alfalfa contains 8 essential amino acids, is a rich source of vitamin B12, natural fluoride and chlorophyll. Alfalfa has demonstrated an anti-rheumatic effect, lowers cholesterol and improves overall health and vigor. Recent French studies have found that alfalfa can reduce tissue damage caused by radiation exposure. In addition, it has also shown antibacterial and anti-tumor properties. Because it can neutralize acidity, it is also beneficial for bladder and urinary tract infections.
Angelica - Scientists have observed a very significant smooth muscle relaxation property in angelica extracts. A common use for angelica in America is for the treatment of several forms of digestive disorders, including flatulent, colic, stomachaches, indigestion, nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, and anorexia.
Celery Seed is a traditional diuretic and blood cleanser, well suited for treating rheumatism. It has been shown to possess other definite medicinal properties, including, a blood pressure lowering property, antioxidative principle, and sedative activity. It has been shown to possess insulin-like activity and to suppress adrenaline hyperglycemia.
Chamomile calms the nerves and induces a state of pleasant relaxation. In some countries it is used primarily for its depressive action on the central nervous system. It does not disrupt normal performance of function; it appears to simply reduce anxiety, as would be expected from a nervous system tonic. Much of the effectiveness of Chamomile is due to its well-documented anti-inflammatoryproperties, which involve the nervous system at various levels.
Dandelion is used specifically for the health of the liver and related organs and glands. It is high in inulin, a form of carbohydrate easily assimilated by diabetics and hence is a potential source of nutritional support for diabetics. Clinically, dandelion has been observed to benefit people with colitis, liver congestion, gallstones and several forms of liver insufficiency.
Gentian Root has antibacterial properties, and several of its components are anti-inflammatory. Its ability to stimulate the appetite, promote the secretion of saliva and gastric, liver, pancreatic and intestinal juices and accelerate the emptying of the stomach has been investigated and substantiated. It stimulatesthe gall bladder and pancreas, as well as the mucous membranes of the stomach, thus contributing to an increased secretion of digestive juices and enzymes.
Hops have been used as a mild sedative and sleeping aid and have been shown to have antispasmodic action, which would explain their use as a stomachic, a stimulant or tonic for the stomach. Estrogenic substances are found in Hops, as well as good antibiotic activity. The primary use is to calm and tone nerves and help induce sleep.
Horehound affects the respiration directly by dilating vessels and acting as a serotonin antagonist. Horehound’s popularity as a cough remedy can hardly be disputed. Horehound and/or its derivatives are used in virtually thousands of bronchial medications around the world due to a high content of volatile oil. This oil has vasodilatory, as well as expectorant properties. The water extracts have biological activity that could affect brain respiratory centers in a positive manner.
Horsetail - Silicon is used in the growth and repair of bone and tissue, and in other biological processes. Of all the silicon-containing foods presently known and being studied, Horsetail is by far the best. Research in Europe has shown Horsetail stops bleeding and helps build up the blood. It also possesses good antibiotic action. Modern research has validated long-standing folk medicine practices of using Horsetail to mend connective tissue and bone.
Licorice is an important tonic as the plant reinforces the body’s ability to withstand attack from virtually any kind of pathogen, and should therefore be considered a tonic for the musculoskeletal system. Licorice Root is an effective treatment for stomach ailments and also helps prevent and heal skin problems. It has anti-cholesterol activity and is also used to increase the health of the liver. Licorice is a good tonic for the adrenal glands and Addison’s disease.
Mallow has been used as food and medicine in Europe since the time of ancient Greece and Rome. The plant is used as a useful anti-inflammatory agent for the respiratory tract, the skin, and the gastrointestinal tract. Both Mallow leaf and flower preparations are approved by the German Commission E for relief of sore throats and dry coughs.
Malva is said to be an aromatic, stimulant and carminative. It is used in various preparations for snakebite, cramps, stomach and intestinal disorders with cramps, loss of appetite and headache and is administered both internally and externally.
Passion Flower is used worldwide as a mild sedative that reduces anxiety, nervous tension, high blood pressure, and encourages sleep. It has been observed to overcome nervous symptoms and cramps that inhibit sleep, and to produce a restful and deep sleepfree from frequent awakenings and disturbances. However, this herb does not produce sedation in healthy, conscious individuals who need to remain active and awake. It removes the anxiety and tension that prevents a person from relaxing or going to sleep.
Peppermint is mainly used to aid the various processes of digestion; combating gas, increasing the flow of bile, healing the stomach and liver, etc. The volatile ingredients of Peppermint make it an ideal choice for invigorating the mind, for improving the mood and relaxing a tension-filled, anxiety-ridden nervous system. These properties of the oils have been experimentally verified, as have the spasmolytic, antiulcer, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
Quassia stimulates secretion of the gastric juices, increases appetite and aids digestion. It may have cholerectic properties. Quassia Amara, PDR for Herbal Medicine, 1077.
Sarsaparilla root consists of the dried root of Smilax species. Smilax has enjoyed a long reputation as a blood purifier and tonic. The blood purifier is an herb that facilitates the removal of wastes from the blood, either by promoting better circulation, or improving liver and kidney action, or by insuring regular bowel movements, or by opening the pores of the skin. One of the most dramatic indications of a blood purifier at work is the rapidity with which many kinds of skin problems clear up.
Saw Palmetto - Much research has demonstrated the berry’s effect of body weight, general health and disposition, tranquilization, venereal disease, appetite stimulation and reproductive health. Saw Palmetto helps prevent and treat benign prostatic hypertrophy. It dramatically reduces the size of the enlarged prostate and restores function.
Thyme has been used to calm upset stomachs, kill bacteria, relax the smooth muscles of the stomach and uterus, increase expectoration, kill worms, and improve the secretion of digestive enzymes. The anti-spasmodic action of Thyme means lessened severity and incidence of menstrual cramps. Its anti-inflammatory activity means less back and joint pain.
"JC Tonic® is currently the only thing on the market that really embodies the whole body concept in the way that it was originally designed, the way that it was used in China for centuries but has been absent in Western medicine for hundreds, perhaps even thousands of years.
This is a concept that embodies the ability to restore balance and health in all of the systems of the body; the immune system, the cardiovascular system, the digestive system, the reproductive system, the nervous system, and so on. Each system of the body has an optimum place where it operates and if we can keep that system operating at its optimum point, at the level that produces health, then our ability to resist many diseases that are plaguing our society is dramatically increased and that is what the promise of JC Tonic is, to do just exactly that."
JC Tonic earns its right to be called a Whole Body Tonic because it embodies the 10 essential properties required to aid all body systems.
1. Restores and maintains homeostasis or balance to body systems.
2. Substantially increases production of energy through normal metabolic means.
3. Increases resistance to infectious disease by enhancing the immune system.
4. Decrease stress and anxiety, and increases ability to perform as well as to rest and sleep.
5. Guards against excessive free radical damage by supplying antioxidant activity.
6. Increases the body’s ability to build new muscle tissue and to lose weight by burning more calories.
7. Regulates digestive processes and prevents indigestion, ulcers, colitis, heartburn and related ailments.
8. Provides substances that strengthen the heart, reduces cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure and prevents undue clotting.
9. Helps keep the liver and related organs and glands in good health.
10. Helps keep bowel movements regular and smooth.
"So, those are the principles that the Youth Solution will address. We have something here with JC Tonic that for decades has been able to offer all this to people who are willing and ready to consume it. Again, I distilled this from years of research and I was surprised to find out that here was a man, Carl Jurak, who managed to do this decades ago. Well, I am glad he did and I am glad there is somebody out there who’s been able to understand the tonic concept and put it into some kind of practical application that people can take advantage of. I think that’s just exciting and I hope everyone understands how precious and valuable this particular product is." – Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D.
Shake JC Tonic Before Using
Adult: 1 dose (1 fl. oz. / 29.6 ml)
Children: ½ dose (0.5 fl. oz. / 14.8 ml)
Individuals with a severe medical condition, people taking medication of any kind or those who are weak, older or more fragile should try ¼ or ½ of an ounce of JC Tonic first and gradually increase their consumption to the recommended dosage.
Note: The color and taste of JC Tonic is subject to change from lot to lot, dependent upon the color and source of the raw botanicals used.
JC Tonic® keeps the blood healthy by helping to regulate blood chemical and biological balance. It contains rich sources of trace minerals and organic acids to supplement the blood chemistry if lacking. It contributes to keeping blood in good shape to do its job of giving life and well-being to the body.
JC Tonic® gives to the blood peculiar health-giving substances, which balance, purify and activate the blood, which in turn influences your body glands, and these, in turn, regulate the system and create conditions which bring you well-being.
For questions and/or to place an order by phone simply call us at 920-242-7559
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