Free Shipping Available-Transfer Point Beta-1,3D Glucan-USA Only
Free Shipping Available-Transfer Point Beta-1,3D Glucan-USA Only
Glucan 300® is the name registered for the active ingredient in Transfer Point’s Beta-1,3D Glucan (the product name).
Transfer Point Beta-1,3D Glucan (Glucan 300®) is derived from the cell walls of baker’s yeast, making it the precise substance for which the actual glucan macrophage receptor (CR3, mac-1, CD11/CD18) has been identified. Beta-1,3D Glucan is technically a polybranched polyglucose – so complex some refer to it as a fiber.
Everyone has the potential to benefit from taking Transfer Point Beta-1,3D Glucan in the correct dose. Especially people with impaired immunity, or who are susceptible to allergies, autoimmune disease, infectious disease, slow and incomplete healing and cancer, undergoing radiation or chemotherapy, or exposed to radiation from external sources such as UV or electromagnetic fields, or with a high risk of cardiovascular disease. People under physical or emotional stress, or who have poor nutrition or who consume food preservatives. Beta Glucan can also help to slow the aging process. Athletes and those who work out extensively will notice more benefit from their workouts while taking Beta Glucan. Animals will also benefit from taking Beta Glucan, because their immune systems are very similar to ours.
Hundreds of scientific studies originating from such prestigious institutions as Tulane, Harvard, and the U.S. Armed Forces attest to the safety and efficacy of Transfer Point Beta-1,3D Glucan.
Glucans derived from barley, oats, or other grains have been shown to be ineffective as an immune modulator. Only Transfer Point Beta-1,3D Glucan from the cell wall of baker’s yeast has been shown to have a potent effect on the immune system, in an economical manner.
No, Although derived from baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces ceravisiae), Transfer Point Beta Glucan is a pure isolate and does not contain enough yeast proteins to cause an allergic reaction.
No, The presence of Beta Glucan potentiates the receptors on the surface of the macrophage. Only the presence of non-self (virus, bacteria, fungi, cancer, parasites, etc.) causes the macrophage to become stimulated. Beta Glucan alone does not stimulate.
Transfer Point Beta-1,3D Glucan does not create a danger. Considerable peer reviewed data indicates just the opposite.
There are no adverse effects known when Transfer Point Beta-1,3D Glucan is taken in conjunction with pharmacological drugs. Beta-1,3D Glucan safely enhances the effect of many anti-infective drugs, cholesterol reducing drugs and chemotherapeutic agents.
Everyone is different, but as a general rule within 72 hours of taking Transfer Point Beta Glucan your body’s immune system will begin working at its optimal levels.
Every single batch is tested by Transfer Point’s manufacturer, testing for purity and potency and coming with its own Certificate of Analysis. The facilities where Transfer Point’s products are encapsulated and packaged are ISO 9000 certified.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Transfer Point Beta Glucan is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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